52词语>英语词典>boom out翻译和用法

boom out

英 [buːm aʊt]

美 [buːm aʊt]

(人)用低沉洪亮的声音说; (大炮或大鼓)发隆隆声




  • make a deep hollow sound
    1. Her voice booms out the words of the song


  • Concern that the investment boom is out of control has forced the government to clamp down on new projects.
  • 'We really didn't have the appropriate boom sizes,'he says.'I think we would have liked to put out open-water boom at the big passes, but we just didn't have enough.
  • Due to the boom period of money lending out much more special, so in bubbles collapse bank losses will be particularly heavy.
  • The group did not launch sexy tech funds at the height of the tech boom, for example, "to take the last dollar out of the market".
  • The boom of heavy weapons fire rang out constantly from near Gbagbo's residence and presidential palace, as well as two major military bases.
  • Mr. Bernanke has argued they didn't. Instead, he has said an influx of foreign capital into the U.S. spurred a housing boom and lax regulation allowed it to get out of control.
  • When the boom ran out, shortly after the turn of the century, the finance houses that had grown rich on the back of it set about the search for new profits.
  • With the developments of computational fluid dynamics ( CFD), more and more CFD commercial software boom out and cover more fields.
  • To boom and develop social science of philosophy, enhance the ability of administration and the cadre qualities, foster and carry out viewpoint of development, we must do well in prelection of Marxist theory.
  • The recent run-up in the market, financial advisers say, has led to a resurgence of the type of loan not seen since the end of the housing boom& cash out financing.